Application – Call VII

Call announcement

27. 09.


Start of submission of proposals

16. 10. 2019


Deadline for submission of proposals

15. 01. 2020


Closed call

Are you a business entity or a research and knowledge dissemination organisation intending to conduct industrial research and experimental development? If so, the Application programme is just for you.


  • The Applicant is always one business entity
  • The Partner – co-beneficiary is a business entity (legal person) and research and knowledge-dissemination organisation (research organisation)
  • The grant application may be submitted by individual entities and consortia composed of multiple partners from among enterprises and research and knowledge-dissemination organisations; in the event of consortia, always one entity of the consortium acts as the Applicant/Beneficiary; other entities act as partners involved in the project implementation with their own budgets or different intensity of aid
  • The Applicant proves professional competence to implement the project

  • The project grant shall be provided at the minimum amount of CZK 1 million and up to the maximum amount of

a) CZK 40 mil. for projects implemented without so-called effective cooperation

b) CZK 80 mil. for projects implemented as part of effective cooperation

  • The maximum aid intensity for the whole project is limited to 70%

  • personnel costs: wages and insurance contributions of researchers, technicians and other technical support personnel at an extent necessary for the project (personnel costs of administrative and management staff are eligible only under the item Other Overheads); intangible fixed assets (if they are necessary for proper operation of the tangible fixed assets)
  • costs of instruments, apparatus and equipment in the form of depreciation of tangible movable fixed assets, at the extent and during the time they are used for the project (the share of depreciations in the total eligible expenditure of the project must be adequate and justified); engineering activity
  • costs of contractual research
  • non-investment related costs of licences purchase or obtained from third parties for he time of project implementation
  • costs of R&D consulting services used exclusively for the purposes of the project
  • additional overhead and other operating costs including costs of material and supplies incurred directly as a result of the project

  • The project must be implemented in the Czech Republic outside NUTS 2 Prague
  • The applicant must clearly demonstrate ownership or other rights to buildings and land plots, where the project will be implemented
  • The project did not start before the submission of the application
  • The project does not expect any aid for activities linked to the quantities exported (export subsidies), aid for the establishment and operation of a distribution network abroad or for other current expenditure linked to the export activity (customs duties, insurance, etc.) or any aid contingent upon the use of domestic goods instead of imported goods